November update

See information about our new committee, Forum December meeting, a survey to take part in, latest COVID-19 guidance and a wordsearch!


Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum Committee was elected at our November meeting (a big thank you to all who took the time to attend) and the following officials have been appointed;
Chair – Rob Morris
Vice Chair & Planning Officer – Sandra Cooper
Treasurer – Paula Aubrey
Secretary – vacant for the time being
Publicity Officer – vacant for the time being
Other Committee members are;
Julie Saunders
Marg Walker  
Heidi Murphy  
Stacey Witcomb 

Two people can be co-opted in-year so contact us If you are interested in joining the committee.

We will be holding our usual Forum meeting on Zoom on Monday 14th December at 7.30, unfortunately you’ll have to supply your own mince pies this year!


We have been asked to bring to your attention this survey. It concerns digital advert hoardings across the city. The community interest group Adblock Brum are planning to collate the findings in responding to the Council over the Local Enforcement Plan for the new Planning Laws.  


A quick reminder of Government Guidance currently in place. Full details can be found here.

Public spaces

In general, you must not meet with another person socially or undertake any activities with another person. However, you can exercise or meet in a public, outdoors space with people you live with, your support bubble (or as part of a childcare bubble), or with one other person.

You should minimise time spent outside your home. When around other people, stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household – meaning the people you live with – or your support bubble. Where this is not possible, stay 1 metre apart with extra precautions (e.g. wearing a face covering).

You must not meet socially indoors with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble.

support bubble is where a household with one adult joins with another household. Households in that support bubble can still visit each other, stay overnight in each other’s households, and visit outdoor public places together.

You can exercise or visit a public outdoor space:

  • by yourself
  • with the people you live with
  • with your support bubble
  • or, when on your own, 1 person from another household

Children under 5, and up to two carers for a person with a disability who needs continuous care, are not counted towards the outdoors gatherings limit.

There is further guidance on what exercise and other physical activity can continue during the period of national restrictions.

Public outdoor places include:

  • neighbourhood streets, parks, beaches, and the countryside
  • public gardens and grounds (whether or not you pay to enter them)
  • allotments
  • outdoor playgrounds

You cannot meet people in a private garden, unless you live with them or have formed a support bubble with them.

Face coverings are required by law to be worn in many indoor settings, such as shops or places of worship where these remain open, and on public transport.

Word search

As a special treat this month why not try a Stirchley word search available at this link.

The committee look forward to seeing you at our meeting on 14th December. A link will be sent nearer the time.