AGM 2020 agenda

There will be an AGM on Monday 9th November at 7.30 online. The agenda is below with links to the documents in blue.

If you would like to join the meeting, please email and we will add you to the mailing list.

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of AGM 2019
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Minutes of SGM held 9th March 2020
  6. Matters Arising
  7. Presentation of Annual Report
    1. Annual report 2019 – 2020
  8. Presentation of Annual Accounts
    1. Financial written report 2019 – 2020
    2. Financial report income/expenses 2019 – 2020
    3. Fun Day Account 2019 – 2020
  9. Election of the Committee

After the meeting there will be a short presentation by Leaf Creative Arts about the Dementia Friendly Stirchley initiative

Neighbourhood Forum AGM & updates

This is a reminder that our AGM will be next Monday (9th November) at 7.30pm online. We will send the link to you nearer the time so please look out for it.

We need 32 Stirchley residents to attend to be quorate and ensure that we get our annual grant which pays for room hire, etc. Hopefully we will soon need to pay room hire when we can meet in person.

Minutes of the AGM 2019 and SGM 2020, Annual Report and Annual Accounts will appear on our website.

The committee would love to welcome new committee members so please volunteer. We need an email from the person nominated and one from the person nominating them, giving their name and address (both need to live in Stirchley Ward) by 5pm on Friday (6th) sent to

COVID Community Champions

Given the recent changes to COVID regulations please consider becoming a COVID Community Champion. It is a great way to find out what can and can’t be done and gain information that you can share within your networks (road, family, groups, etc). Further information can be found here 

Selly Oak Constituency Online Mini Conference – HMO’s & the Private Rented Sector

You are invited to join an online mini conference around the Private Rented Sector organised by Councillor Sharon Thompson, Cabinet Member for Homes & Neighbourhoods. There will be guest speakers along with representatives from other partner agencies to provide information and answer questions.

The event will be taking place on Thursday 5 November at 6.30pm – 8.30pm via Zoom and the link to join is below. Please feel free to share these details with anyone else you know who might be interested in joining the conference.

Link to join the conference;
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 976 4709 9343
Passcode: 835605
Find your local number:

Minutes from September’s meeting

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re not been able to hold our usual monthly forum meetings in public. But technology was worked out and we help our first virtual Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum recently.

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting. Items arising from our last meeting (way back in March) were discussed, as well as some planning issues, antisocial behaviour and the issue with the trees in Stirchley Park that were accidentally removed by Morrisons. You can read the draft of the September minutes here.

Our next meeting will be on Monday 12th October, again online. If you would like to attend, please sign up to the news letter by emailing if you have not already done so.

Covid-19 Community Champions

Birmingham City Council is launching a a Covid-19 Community Champion initiative to help contain and prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Based on a model developed by Newham Council, if you live or work in Birmingham, you can become a Covid-19 Community Champion. The council will keep champions informed of the latest advice and guidance so that they can help their family, friends and other community members to make sense of the latest facts about the virus.

By having and sharing clear information, friends, family and wider community members will be able to make informed choices and champions will be able to feedback what they are hearing in communities and to discuss any questions they might have.  

The role of the Covid-19 Community Champion;

  • To be a point of contact within your community (a street, a place of worship, a community organisation, a neighbourhood)
  • To pass on key messages in appropriate ways, providing reassurance and an authoritative voice
  • To encourage others to become Champions
  • To help your community understand what it needs to do to stay safe
  • To provide feedback to the Council and let us know what is and isn’t working

Please note that being a Covid-19 Community Champion is not an enforcement or regulatory role. While we welcome and value your volunteering as a Covid-19 Community Champion, this does not constitute a contract of employment or eligibility for internal recruitment positions.

To find out more and to sign up to become a Birmingham Covid-19 Community Champion, visit the community champion page on the council’s website.

Councillor Locke’s next advice surgery

Stirchley’s representative, Councillor Mary Locke, will hold her next advice surgery online, via Microsoft Teams, on Friday 18th September 2020, between 12.00 noon – 1.00pm.

To attend, please use the link to join the Advice Surgery on this date to discuss your issues or concerns with Mary, Stirchley’s local councillor.