September’s Stirchley Forum meeting

The Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum returns on Monday 11th September for its regular monthly meeting. As usual, the meeting will take place at Stirchley Community Church at 7.30pm.

At September’s meeting, Lee Hands representing Tricas Construction Ltd will be attending to discuss the building of the Stirchley Cooperative Development at the corner of Pershore Road and Hunts Road (next to the British Oak pub). Lee will be here to answer your questions and listen to any concerns.

There will also be a planning update and a chance for networking and to raise any community matters with fellow residents.

If you would like to familiarise yourself with the draft minutes from the last meeting (there is a break in August for summer), the July minutes are available here.

2023 Forum dates

The Stirchley Forum typically takes place on the second Monday of every month at the Stirchley Community Centre, from 7.30pm.

There are a few exceptions to this, including August when we take a summer break and occasionally in other months if there are a number of Bank Holidays.

The dates for the 2023 meetings are;

  • Monday 9th January
  • Monday 13th February
  • Monday 13th March
  • No meeting in April due to Bank Holiday
  • Monday 15th May – slightly different due to the Bank Holidays in the month
  • Monday 12th June
  • Monday 10th July
  • No August meeting
  • Monday 11th September
  • Monday 9th October
  • Monday 13th November – AGM
  • Monday 11th December

Minutes and meeting update

Photo by Todoran Bogdan, used under Creative Commons

Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting last week. There was a lively discussion about the draft Ward Plan and great to hear from a number of residents who attended the police tasking meeting in Cotteridge to raise concerns of Stirchley residents.

The minutes for March’s Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum are available here.

As you will notice from the minutes, there is a change to the next meeting. Usually the Forum is held on the second Monday of the month, but April has Easter Monday and May is filled with Bank Holiday Mondays due to May Day and the additional holiday for the Coronation. It has been decided to skip the April meeting but have one in May, but on a slightly different day. Therefore, the next meeting will be Monday 15th May, 7.30pm at Stirchley Community Church

Stirchley Forum agenda for March 2023

The next Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum will take place at 7.30pm on Monday 13th March 2023 in Stirchley Community Church on Hazelwell Street, Stirchley.

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows

The next Forum meeting will be slightly different due to the number of Bank Holidays in April and May. Because of this there will a slightly later-in-the-month meeting on Monday 24th April 2023 and no meeting in May. All back to normal in June!

Police update about Bond St break in

We now have some information from Bournville Police about the incident on Bond Street referred to in the Forum meeting.

‘We do know about the terrible incident and can appreciate how the incident would have made the victim feel – along with the neighbours. To keep you informed, four males have attended a property on Bond Street and proceeded to force the door open by kicking it and taking running jumps at it. On the door flinging open, the males all run away without entering. The theory behind that is it became clear to the offenders that they had the wrong address. The offenders can be seen with items in their hands whilst kicking the door. It is possible that the offenders were looking for something like a cannabis set up. 

We have done some work in the area and have not been able to locate a cannabis set up – but would ask the community to be vigilant and report any unusual comings and goings from properties – or the smell of cannabis from properties. We can then complete further work to ascertain the likelihood of a set up and deal with that.
The other possible option would be that they were present to steal high powered motor vehicles – however at the time (and since) there has not been any parked at that location – I would ask that members of the public ensure they use extra measures to secure their vehicles such as a steering wheel lock.
Since the incident, we have had neighbourhood officers in the area and conducting reassurance visits. We would all like nothing more than to get these offenders in and are working hard to achieve that.
As you know, policing numbers are not what we would all like and we are having to do more with less. Unfortunately we cannot be everywhere – but where there are vulnerable members of the community we will support as a constituency. I cannot say that this won’t happen to other people in the area – but I can say that we are working our hardest to try to limit it.’