Thanks to everyone who braved the storm and came out to January’s meeting. There was plenty of information to be shared with the usual planning and police updates as well as questions from Stirchley residents and an update from Councillor Mary Locke.
The draft minutes for the Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum January 2020 meeting will be up on the website soon. But if in the mean time you want to make any comments on planning applications mentioned in the meeting or any of the consultations that were discussed at the meeting, you’ll find the details below.
Live planning applications mentioned;
- Land adjacent 1581 Pershore Road: application for the Magnet store area to become a car repair centre. It had been withdrawn, but is now back up – 2020/00350/PA on the council’s website
- 1469 Pershore Road (the old recycling shop between Joshuaa Shaun and House of Kards): Variation of conditions, to allow opening hours between 1000 and 2200 hours Sunday to Wednesday and 1000 to 0000 hours Thursday to Saturday – 2019/09869/PA if you’re looking on the council’s website
Consultations that were mentioned in the meeting;
- Development Management in Birmingham – consultation ends 21st February 2020. Think parking, HMOs, community development etc. Helps inform what gets planning permission etc. We’ll probably talk more about this at the next meeting.
- Parking Supplementary Planning Document – consultation ends 21st February 2020. Includes revised parking standards for new developments which reflect new national guidance and the Birmingham Transport Plan.
- Birmingham Transport Plan – consultation from 28th January until 27th March. Sets out Birmingham City Council’s vision for the future of transport in the city, which is a sustainable, green, inclusive, go-anywhere network.