Specialty Minerals will be hosting a community meeting at 2pm on Thursday 30th March 2023. This is an opportunity to update residents on the noise assessments that have taken place and any new measures being introduced. They are also happy to take any questions about the site and operations, with plant manager Paul Smiles will be in attendance.
In July 2022, a BS4142 noise survey was done following a series of previous assessments and due to reports by residents. This exercise took place over two nights on the evenings of the 12th – 14th July 2022, to the early hours, to capture the quietest times at the noise receptor sites. The plant was systematically shut off and restarted to determine the contributions of each element of the plant, to the noise emissions reported. The survey also including measurements in their homes in order better to understand how noise generated at the site on Lifford Lane propagates into the community.
More information has been reported in the Speciality Minerals November 2022 newsletter available here.
Specialty Minerals intend to host the meeting onsite, so due to room constraints and health and safety records, they will be limited on space and will need names of attendees in advance. Please contact Phil Briscoe at phil.briscoe@secnewgate.co.uk or on 07968 807377 to confirm your attendance, if you have any queries, or if you would like attend on different date.
I cannot attend due to work commitments but am concerned at the high noise levels at times. I live on Fordhouse Lane, approx half a mile from your site. The noise seems to have increased in the last year, are you able to explain why this might be please?