January update

Firstly, Happy New Year from the Forum Committee.

Our January meeting in on Monday 9th January at 7.30pm, Stirchley Community Church. Minutes of December meeting are on the Forum website. Last year’s Annual Report is also on the website .

Following the Agenda (below) there is an update from Cllr Locke who unfortunately cannot attend the meeting.


for Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum meeting on Monday 9th January at Stirchley Community Church, Hazelwell Street, Stirchley

  • Apologies
  • Minutes of meeting 12th December 2022
  • Matters Arising
  • Police Update
  • Planning issues
  • Networking
  • Any other business

Next Forum meeting: Monday 13th February 2023

Update from Councillor Mary Locke

May I firstly wish all a very happy new year

My apologies for not being able to attend the January Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum. As I have another meeting which clashes.

Work is currently ongoing on Fordhouse Lane, by Severn Trent with pipe renewal. Temporary lights will be used along the road.

Also on Fordhouse Lane the land at rear of former Firework shop  The land near bus stop  has been sold. As yet no details re what will happen. The land has been cleared, and tarmacked and a metal cabin installed. Rumours say a Car lot.  Planning have not received any notice. Residents living on Pershore Road are rightly concerned as they need access.

There will be a foodbank collection in part of Stirchley on Saturday 28th January. At about 11 am.   Leaflets will be put out around the roads collecting from  Leahouse Road, Bournville Lane, Bond Street, Regent Street, and Oxford Street. 10 days before. 

The Mobile Household Recycling Centre will be on Beilby Road on Tuesday 31st January 7am until 12 noon. Leafleting will be done 7-10 days prior and also on social media.

Next Police Tasking meeting will be Saturday 28th January at Cotteridge Church 2pm.  All are welcome to attend. I am sorry to hear that Sergeant Howell is leaving this job and taking on another job within the force. I thank him for all his work and wish him well in his new career.

A drop in session is being held re Camp Hill Line in Stirchley on 1st February at Stirchley Baths 5-7 pm.

A week later on 8th February I am holding a Teams/zoom meeting if you would like to attend please email myself or Kay Thomas  kay.thomas@birmingham.gov.uk for invite and link.  On the agenda a short update on Camp Hill Line,  A briefing on retrofitting houses and also Ward Action Plan

As mentioned in Decembers forum work is planned for a jobs fair in March  details are being worked on and will be announced in due course.

If there are any queries or issues please contact office on 0121 303 2039 or email me mary.locke@birmingham.gov.uk or pass to Sandra and Rob who will contact me and I will be in touch.

Ward plan info

It is time to update Stirchley’s Ward Action Plan for 2022 – 2026.

Ward Plans are Birmingham City Council documents designed to be used by residents, councillors, and local stakeholders. They are created by the ward councillor/s in collaboration with residents and are meant to be a tool, to encourage engagement and action around local-level topics and issues that matter to local people.

The current Stirchley Ward Action Plan can be found here.

The new Ward Action Plan template is split into six themes which are important topics for all wards across the city. However, there may be aspects of those topics where there is more or less need in different wards. The process of setting priorities, goals and actions allows wards to focus in on the issues that matter most and find locally achievable solutions.

Wards do not need to identify a priority for each theme. The Council advises identifying between three and six priorities to work towards in each ward’s plans. These are flexible documents and so they can be revised as needed.

Birmingham City Council suggests the following themes;

  • Prosperous
  • Inclusive
  • Safe
  • Healthy
  • Green
  • Local

The Council has also given some examples of how these themes might be applied within areas. A readable version of the PDF can be found here.

Stirchley’s councillor Mary Locke is keen to hear from residents and community groups about what they would like to see in Stirchley’s Ward Action Plan. If you have any ideas that you would like to include, please bring them to the January Forum meeting on Monday 9th January 2023 or contact Councillor Locke directly.

The first iteration of Stirchley’s Ward Action Plan needs to be submitted by Councillor Locke to the Council by Monday 16th January 2023.

Mobile Recycling van returns just before Christmas

The Mobile Household Recycling Centre will return to Stirchley, this time in the Morrisons car park, on 15th December from 7am until 12 midday.

Refuse management staff from Lifford Lane tip will be on hand to help ensure your items go in the right bins.

CAN BE RECYCLED: Recycle any household rubbish that cannot be reused; standard recycling materials that usually go in your recycling; garden waste; bigger items like toys or small household items. Batteries, lightbulbs, small electronics etc can be recycled.

NOT ACCEPTED: Building materials, white goods (like fridges), hazardous materials and larger items will not be accepted.

No commercial waste can legally be accepted at any of the MHRC’s and any such material will be turned away. Vans are accepted at the MHRC’s subject to a 10 item limitation and a legal declaration that the waste presented is not commercial in nature. As with the Bulky Waste Collection service 2 black bags equals 1 item.

Level 3 cold weather alert

A level 3 Met Office Cold Weather Alert has been issued for the West Midlands. There is a 90% probability of severe cold weather between 18:00 on Wednesday 7th December and 09:00 Monday 12th December. Cold with overnight, potentially severe, frosts and temperatures only rising a few degrees Celsius above freezing by day.

This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services. Please be mindful when travelling and take extra care.

Concerned about the rise in cost of living – Help in Brum

Birmingham City Council has produced a leaflet to offer guidance to residents on support available during the cost of living crisis in the UK. They want to support as many residents as possible and have provided information on a network of warm spaces, advice on money & benefits, energy efficiency and food support.

A small selection of the information from the leaflet is available below. You can see the whole Help in Brum leaflet here.

Warm Welcome

The Council are working with the local community and a partnership of voluntary and community sector organisations to expand a network of warm spaces. These spaces will be available for people to use and visit during the winter period and beyond. There are several existing Warm Welcome Spaces within local communities across the city. Warm Welcome Spaces are inclusive, non-judgmental, heated, and free to access.

You can find details of current Birmingham Warm Welcome Spaces at
www.birmingham.gov.uk/warmwelcome Keeping checking back online as more spaces will be launched weekly.

Benefits and Money Advice

During the cost of living crisis, it is also important to ensure you have access
to the right benefits and money advice for you. There are several information
portals below which can help.

To find out what benefits you are entitled to, it is best to use the Benefits
Calculator provided by the Government. Find out more by using this link

Birmingham City Council has also developed several support factsheets which
provide useful information on a range of debt related issues. You can view and
download Information on www.birmingham.gov.uk/debtadviceteam

Energy Efficiency

As energy costs rise we are committed to reducing energy bills and helping everyone to keep warm as we head into the winter months. There are several schemes already available for residents, with full information and guidance available at www.birmingham.gov.uk/energyhelp

Food Support

The cost of living crisis has made it much more difficult for many people
to afford food. If this is something you are experiencing, there are several
information points below which can help.