Although Dogpool Lane is not in Stirchley Ward, a lot of residents use the area and may find this information useful.
The plan shows the deterrent signage wording and locations proposed around the building works on the corner of Dogpool Lane and Pershore Road. The contractor has apologised for this matter being delayed longer than all would have wished. But the signs are likely to be in place by the end of Wednesday.
Resident access signposts will be in place at Kitchener and Hobson roads, at the junctions with Pershore Road. On Dogpool Lane, these ‘resident access only’ signs will also be in place at the junctions with Cecil, Fashoda and Manilla roads as well.
This is to allow for significant redevelopment of the underused former BT brownfield site. In its place is due to be a student accommodation scheme. Overall work is expected to take 86 weeks, including a 16-week demolition phase.