January update

Firstly, Happy New Year from the Forum Committee.

Our January meeting in on Monday 9th January at 7.30pm, Stirchley Community Church. Minutes of December meeting are on the Forum website. Last year’s Annual Report is also on the website .

Following the Agenda (below) there is an update from Cllr Locke who unfortunately cannot attend the meeting.


for Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum meeting on Monday 9th January at Stirchley Community Church, Hazelwell Street, Stirchley

  • Apologies
  • Minutes of meeting 12th December 2022
  • Matters Arising
  • Police Update
  • Planning issues
  • Networking
  • Any other business

Next Forum meeting: Monday 13th February 2023

Update from Councillor Mary Locke

May I firstly wish all a very happy new year

My apologies for not being able to attend the January Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum. As I have another meeting which clashes.

Work is currently ongoing on Fordhouse Lane, by Severn Trent with pipe renewal. Temporary lights will be used along the road.

Also on Fordhouse Lane the land at rear of former Firework shop  The land near bus stop  has been sold. As yet no details re what will happen. The land has been cleared, and tarmacked and a metal cabin installed. Rumours say a Car lot.  Planning have not received any notice. Residents living on Pershore Road are rightly concerned as they need access.

There will be a foodbank collection in part of Stirchley on Saturday 28th January. At about 11 am.   Leaflets will be put out around the roads collecting from  Leahouse Road, Bournville Lane, Bond Street, Regent Street, and Oxford Street. 10 days before. 

The Mobile Household Recycling Centre will be on Beilby Road on Tuesday 31st January 7am until 12 noon. Leafleting will be done 7-10 days prior and also on social media.

Next Police Tasking meeting will be Saturday 28th January at Cotteridge Church 2pm.  All are welcome to attend. I am sorry to hear that Sergeant Howell is leaving this job and taking on another job within the force. I thank him for all his work and wish him well in his new career.

A drop in session is being held re Camp Hill Line in Stirchley on 1st February at Stirchley Baths 5-7 pm.

A week later on 8th February I am holding a Teams/zoom meeting if you would like to attend please email myself or Kay Thomas  kay.thomas@birmingham.gov.uk for invite and link.  On the agenda a short update on Camp Hill Line,  A briefing on retrofitting houses and also Ward Action Plan

As mentioned in Decembers forum work is planned for a jobs fair in March  details are being worked on and will be announced in due course.

If there are any queries or issues please contact office on 0121 303 2039 or email me mary.locke@birmingham.gov.uk or pass to Sandra and Rob who will contact me and I will be in touch.

October meeting minutes available

woman in white long sleeved shirt holding a pen writing on a paper

The minutes from October’s meeting are available here. These cover the now-open Aldi, the triangle site opposite (that will be maintained by Aldi), as well as discussions around houses of multiple occupation (HMOs), police and planning updates.

Please note the November meeting was an Annual General Meeting and these minutes are ratified at the next AGM in 2023.

The next Stirchley Forum meeting takes place on Monday 12th December, 7.30pm at the Stirchley Community Church on Hazelwell Street.

2022/2023 committee announced

At the AGM in November, the Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum committee for 2022/23 was elected. At the following committee meeting officer posts were allocated. These are as follows;

  • Chair – Rob Morris
  • Vice Chair – Sandra Cooper
  • Treasurer – Paula Aubrey
  • Planning Officer – Sandra Cooper supported by Diane Johnson
  • Youth Officer – Heidi Murphy
  • Secretary & Publicity Officer – Vacant
  • Also – Julie Saunders & Margaret Walker

There are two vacancies for co-opted committee members.

Stirchley Forum AGM 2022

The Stirchley Forum annual general meeting for 2022 will take place this month, as residents are set to elect the committee for 2022-23.

The meeting will take place in person at Stirchley Community Church on Monday 14th November from 7.30pm. As well as the election for the 2022-23 committee, there will be a review of the year and accounts for 2021-22, as well as approving last year’s AGM minutes.

After much thought the Forum Committee has decided that the next meeting on 14th November (our AGM) will be held in person only. They do not have the technical support to hold a true hybrid meeting (indeed the meeting will be in the small room where previously held meetings were, so no microphones will be required).

If you wish to join the Committee you will need to complete a nomination form and return it to the Forum (through the Library or Stirchley Community Church) before 7.25 on 14th November. Forms are available at the Library or by email from the Forum.

The meeting will also include the world premiere of the short film ‘Discovering Stirchley’ made by local young people.

September meeting

See below the agenda with a link to the minutes of our latest meeting in July.
Again the meeting will be in the Community Church and online on Zoom.

Agenda – Monday 12th September, 7.30pm
Stirchley Community Church, Hazelwell Street, Stirchley
Also online using Zoom using this link

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of meeting 11th July 2022 (posted here)
  4. Matters Arising
  5. What will be the likely effect of the cost of living and rising energy prices on Stirchley? What can the Stirchley community do to help?
  6. Police Update
  7. Planning issues
  8. Networking
  9. Any other business

Next Forum meeting Monday 10th October 2022
Forum AGM Monday 14th November 2022