October meeting minutes available

woman in white long sleeved shirt holding a pen writing on a paper

The minutes from October’s meeting are available here. These cover the now-open Aldi, the triangle site opposite (that will be maintained by Aldi), as well as discussions around houses of multiple occupation (HMOs), police and planning updates.

Please note the November meeting was an Annual General Meeting and these minutes are ratified at the next AGM in 2023.

The next Stirchley Forum meeting takes place on Monday 12th December, 7.30pm at the Stirchley Community Church on Hazelwell Street.

Councillor’s Stirchley Ward meeting


1. Welcome & Introductions from the Chair

2. Details on the proposed Aldi Store, Pershore Road - Your opportunity to hear about the proposals and ask questions about the draft plans

3. Briefing on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Funding

4. Ward Action Plan

5. Local Issues/Updates

Councillor Mary Locke will be hosting her quarterly Stirchley Ward meeting this Wednesday 28th September at Stirchley Baths from 7pm.

On the agenda will be an update on the Aldi development on Hazelwell Street, near the British Oak pub. The development also includes the triangle of land opposite the development and pub, on the island. This is due to be public realm space.

There will also be an update on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding. CIL is a charge levied by local authorities on new developments within a ward.  The levy available differs from ward to ward based on the type and size of developments.

There will be a chance to discuss the Ward Action Plan and further updates on local matters.

All are welcome to attend the meeting, but if you require any more information please contact Kay Thomas, Community Governance Manager, Birmingham City Council on kay.thomas@birmingham.gov.uk

Developments on the triangle

May be an image of 1 person and outdoors
Photo of building work taken by Michael Jones

After many years of being boarded up, those visiting the high street this week have noticed some rumblings on the triangle of land on island Hazelwell Road, between the the British Oak and Printgo and backs onto Stirchley Community Church.

The land is due to be turned into much needed public realm. It includes curves benches and interconnecting paths that will make it easier to cross from one side of the high street to the other. Where the paths cross there is a due to be concrete block paving in buff (a light brownish yellow, ochreous colour) and red colours. This is part of the Aldi development on Hazelwell Lane, which is progressing at some pace

Paving generally: Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid 45° herringbone pattern on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Charcoal.
Inner circle: 1300mm diameter Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid radially on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Buff.
Outer circle: 2500mm diameter Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid radially on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Red.
Seating units: 4 no. Marshalls ‘Rendezvous City’ curved bench units, with cast iron ends and stainless steel seat section. Units to be bolted to block paving.

Plans submitted to birmingham city council

Below are the a screenshot of the proposed site plan submitted to Birmingham City Council as part of Aldi’s planning application.

June’s Forum meeting and update from Councillor

It is that time of the month again. Here is the notice for the June Forum meeting which will be in person in Stirchley Community Church and online via Zoom.

The meeting will take place on Monday 13th June at 7.30pm. You can attend in person at Stirchley Community Church, Hazelwell Street, Stirchley or online using Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting, click here.


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of meeting 9th May 2022 (minutes available here
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Commonwealth Games Marathon
    There will be a session at Stirchley Baths on 13th July where full updates will be given. Here is a link to the relevant page of the Commonwealth Games website for Marathon details.
  6. Police Update
  7. Planning issues
  8. Networking
  9. Any other business
    The next Stirchley Forum meeting will be on Monday 11th July 2022.

Councillor Mary Locke has sent her apologies for not being present at the meeting. She has requested if there are any questions, please email her, or the Forum (who will pass on the message). She has provided the following updates from previous meetings.

  • Enterprise still issues re parking I believe they have secured parking opposite near Balti Hut this will cause issues for flats above shops and businesses 
  • Wickes and parking this has been resolved 
  • Lyndworth cricket club:  it appears part of Seven Capital called Seven Homes are pursuing this. Earlier letters went to residents of Lyndworth road in regards to compulsory purchase.  It appears two are interested others not. The club have to find new play area in city that is bring pursue with Sport England.
  • Aldi site is progressing well 
  • Cooperative housing development also will be progressing soon also 
  • Jubilee Events: The events I attended here during Jubilee bank holiday were excellent Ascension church, Pitleasow close, stirchleycircle22 afternoon tea was excellent thank you to all who organised and the hard work involved 
  • Councillor advice surgeries will begin again on first Friday of month at Stirchley baths 10:30 -12 noon. Plus Third Saturday of month at Ascension Church on Pineapple Grove from 10:30-11:30
  • Mobile recycling centre 17th June Pineapple Road, opposite Ascension church Pineapple Grove 7am until 12 noon 
  • Mary’s councillor-led ward meeting is on 6th July at Stirchley baths 7pm  

January 2022 agenda

Happy New Year to all our fellow Stirchley residents. The agenda for tomorrow’s meeting (Monday 10th January 2022) is available below, along with the minutes from the last meeting.

The meeting tomorrow will be online, due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation and problems with the IT at Stirchley Community Church. To join the Zoom Meeting, click here.

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of meeting 13th December 2021 (posted here)
  4. Matters arising
  5. Police Update 
  6. Planning issues, including Aldi application for retail store at Hazelwell Lane – Ref 2021/10881/PA
  7. Networking 
  8. The future of Stirchley Ward and High Street – follow on from December discussion
  9. Any other business

The next Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum meeting will take place on Monday 14th February 2022. We will be monitoring the situation and advice in terms of whether it is safe to gather in person and will let people know if it will be online only or a hybrid meeting, as trialed last year.

If you would like to be informed of upcoming Stirchley Forum meetings, please email stirchley.forumb30@gmail.com