May Forum meeting

This is the time in the month when Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum committee members and helpers are usually busy preparing for our monthly evening meeting (second Monday in the month 7.30pm at Stirchley Community Church). Of course, for the time being, this isn’t possible.

We’re aware that you haven’t heard from the Forum for a while. At the beginning of the crisis, after an early flurry of information about changes to services, contact details, etc which we wanted to convey to you, things settled down. We didn’t want to bore you with reiterating the same information.


After speaking with city planning officers we understand that the proposed gin bar in Maryvale Road will not be going ahead, although the licensing application was approved.

Bournbrook Hotel will be opening when they are permitted to do so.

Work on Morrisons new store has temporarily halted (manager has been on paternity leave and staff temporarily redeployed). The Forum has been in contact about the increasing level of graffiti which is appearing on the building.  We will let you know when we hear anything further from Morrisons.


Amended plans have been submitted for the application for 1386-1392 Pershore Road which has extended the date for comments to be made until around 22nd May. 

Based on previous applications in the area, the Forum has concerns about the size and mass of the building (in particular the height), the lack of parking (except for 2 spaces for disabled parking) and the apparent use of wood on the elevations when red brick is more in keeping with the locality.

Take a look for yourselves and let us know your thoughts.
Application number 2019/10502/PA by Stirchley Cooperative Development.

West Midlands Police Update

Recent reports from PCSO Blackford suggest that there have been a number of thefts (mainly from sheds and garages) and thefts of and damage to cars in the area.

Many of you will also know that the container in the car park at Stirchley Baths has been broken into and all items within it have been stolen, this includes: a number of bicycles, tools and equipment belonging to Friends of Stirchley Park; gazebos belonging to the Forum; and equipment relating to Halloween and Christmas events held in the park.


Councillor Mary Locke cannot hold surgeries in the usual way but is keen that residents of the ward know that she is available by email or telephone if you have any issues that need her help. She hopes that residents are keeping safe and well. or 07703372981

Future Meetings

It appears that it is going to be a while until we can hold our usual meetings (with social distancing in place of course). We are looking at how we might be able to hold ‘virtual’ meetings if residents would find them helpful.

We’d be interested to hear from you if you feel that Zoom meetings (or something similar) would be of interest to you.

Written on behalf of Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum Committee
by Sandra Cooper – Vice Chair and Planning Officer

Special General Meeting for March

We’ve got a bit of a different meeting for March, in fact it is a Special General Meeting. This means it is a meeting “called to discuss business usually considered at the Annual General Meeting or issues seriously affecting the Neighbourhood Forum such as a change to the Constitution.” It will take place on Monday 9th March 2020.

For anyone coming to the Forum meetings for a while, these won’t be a surprise; they’re mainly around making sure the Forum covers the whole Stirchley Ward (which changed since the Forum’s constitution was introduced), and a few other bits around how we tell people what’s going on.

You can read the constitution, with the proposed changes here.

    1. 1. From ‘outlined on the attached map’ to ‘of Stirchley Ward’
    2. 2.c Remove ‘Ward Advisory Board’
    3. 4. Management Committee to have power to co-opt members between Annual General Meetings, those co-opted not to make up more than 30% of the total and those co-opted to stand down at the next AGM
    4. 4. Remove references to Ward Committee and Ward Advisory Board and insert Stirchley Ward Forum
    5. Committee to meet a minimum 4 times a year
    6. 5. Annual General Meeting. Notice shall be given ‘using the most appropriate methods to ensure the greatest public involvement’
    7. 7. Special General Meeting. Notice shall be given ‘using the most appropriate methods to ensure the greatest public involvement’

Please note, due to Easter Monday there will be no April meeting, but we’ll be back the month after on Monday 11th May.

February’s agenda

Photograph of the licensing application for the Bournbrook Inn on Pershore Road

The Agenda for our February 2020 is now available, below. The meeting will take place on Monday 10th February, doors will open at 7pm, for a 7.30pm start, at Stirchley Community Church on Hazelwell Street (opposite Stirchley Baths), B30 2JX.

We welcome anyone with an interest in Stirchley Birmingham to attend the meetings, especially new people – please feel free to turn up early and join us for a cuppa before the meeting starts.

Our next meeting after this one takes place on Monday 9th March 2020.

January’s draft meeting minutes now available

Sorry for the delay in getting these up, we’ve had some technical issues – still at least you can give them a nice leisurely read over the weekend. These are the minutes from the meeting on 13th January 2020.

As with all our minutes, they’re considered to be draft versions until they’re confirmed at the next meeting.

Read the draft minutes from January 2020’s meeting here.

Thanks for attending January’s meeting

Thanks to everyone who braved the storm and came out to January’s meeting. There was plenty of information to be shared with the usual planning and police updates as well as questions from Stirchley residents and an update from Councillor Mary Locke.

The draft minutes for the Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum January 2020 meeting will be up on the website soon. But if in the mean time you want to make any comments on planning applications mentioned in the meeting or any of the consultations that were discussed at the meeting, you’ll find the details below.

Live planning applications mentioned;

  • Land adjacent 1581 Pershore Road: application for the Magnet store area to become a car repair centre. It had been withdrawn, but is now back up – 2020/00350/PA on the council’s website
  • 1469 Pershore Road (the old recycling shop between Joshuaa Shaun and House of Kards): Variation of conditions, to allow opening hours between 1000 and 2200 hours Sunday to Wednesday and 1000 to 0000 hours Thursday to Saturday – 2019/09869/PA if you’re looking on the council’s website

Consultations that were mentioned in the meeting;

  • Development Management in Birmingham – consultation ends 21st February 2020. Think parking, HMOs, community development etc. Helps inform what gets planning permission etc. We’ll probably talk more about this at the next meeting.
  • Parking Supplementary Planning Document – consultation ends 21st February 2020. Includes revised parking standards for new developments which reflect new national guidance and the Birmingham Transport Plan.
  • Birmingham Transport Plan – consultation from 28th January until 27th March. Sets out Birmingham City Council’s vision for the future of transport in the city, which is a sustainable, green, inclusive, go-anywhere network.