After many years of being boarded up, those visiting the high street this week have noticed some rumblings on the triangle of land on island Hazelwell Road, between the the British Oak and Printgo and backs onto Stirchley Community Church.
The land is due to be turned into much needed public realm. It includes curves benches and interconnecting paths that will make it easier to cross from one side of the high street to the other. Where the paths cross there is a due to be concrete block paving in buff (a light brownish yellow, ochreous colour) and red colours. This is part of the Aldi development on Hazelwell Lane, which is progressing at some pace
Paving generally: Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid 45° herringbone pattern on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Charcoal.
Plans submitted to birmingham city council
Inner circle: 1300mm diameter Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid radially on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Buff.
Outer circle: 2500mm diameter Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid radially on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Red.
Seating units: 4 no. Marshalls ‘Rendezvous City’ curved bench units, with cast iron ends and stainless steel seat section. Units to be bolted to block paving.
Below are the a screenshot of the proposed site plan submitted to Birmingham City Council as part of Aldi’s planning application.