The next Stirchley Ward meeting, hosted by the councillor for Stirchley Ward, Councillor Mary Locke, will be held on 19th March 7pm at Stirchley Baths Community Hub, Bournville Lane.
Please note this is different to the Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum meetings.
Councillor Locke invites you to come along and join in the discussion on local issues.
To receive the agenda nearer the time, contact Kay Thomas, Community Governance Manager at Birmingham City Council on ;
The recent announcement of council cuts affects a range of arts and culture organisations and freelance artists who rely on them.
Stirchley Art Room have been discussing options with other groups and individuals, such as Arts Forum Selly Oak (c/o Number 11 Arts) and Sarah Mullen (The Bookshop on the Green), with thoughts of forming a co-supportive consortium with strategies for funding bids made across groups, and where skills and resources can be shared.
Culture Central have recently launched their #culturematters initiative with similar aims and to develop a Creatives Collective, whilst also being desirous of including smaller organisations and freelancers, which we think is vital.
The group would love to make contact with anyone interested in this, or who is formulating similar ideas in the current climate. As such, they have a meeting on Monday 11th March at 6pm at Stirchley Library, and would like to invite anyone interested to attend.
A big thank you to everyone who came to support us at our AGM.
The new committee has met and the following people have been elected to the following roles;
Chair – Heidi Murphy Vice Chair – Rob Morris Treasurer – Paula Aubrey Secretary – Sandra Cooper Publicity Officer – vacant Planning Officer – Sandra Cooper Without portfolio – Margaret Walker & Julie Rynne
The committee is pleased to tell you that we have visitors at our December meeting on Monday evening. Claire Hardwick & John Richardson from Birmingham City Council will be coming to discuss Neighbourhood Planning.
It would be helpful if you could take a look at the Birmingham Neighbourhood Planning toolkit before the meeting so you will have lots of questions for them. It can be found at
Our usual meeting will follow. There will be less time than usual so please let us know of any items of any other business before the meeting if possible so that we can allocate enough time.
We look forward to seeing you at 7.30 Stirchley Community Church.
(Cotteridge Primary School falls within the Stirchley Ward boundaries)
Calling all residents of Breedon, Shirley and Heathcote Roads!
A small group of parents at Cotteridge Primary School have formed the ‘Safer Together School Streets’ group. They are currently working hard to help make the roads around the school safer for residents and children at the busy school drop off and pick up times. They hope this will also enable more green, active travel for school families.
The group will be putting in an expression of interest for the Birmingham City Council ‘School Streets’ scheme on 30th November. They hope this will enable them to discuss several solutions to make roads safer during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
Please note these are NOT permanent road closures and are different to the Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme where planters permanently block the road.
Safer Together School Streets group are currently seeking opinions of families at school, and are keen to involve the local residents (several of whom have completed the form linked below already).
If you live on or know anyone who lives on Breedon, Shirley or Heathcote roads please complete or forward them this link: Perhaps help a neighbour to complete it if they don’t enjoy technology.
The deadline for this survey is: 1200 (Noon) on Tuesday 28th November
To get in contact with the group, email:
After an impressive 5.72 tonnes of waste was collected by the mobile household recycling vehicle in November, the vans will return to Stirchley just before Christmas.
On Wednesday 20th December from 7am – 12.30 midday, the vans will be parked at the back of Morrisons car park. This is a great chance to clear out all your unwanted items ahead of the festive period.
CAN BE RECYCLED: Recycle any household rubbish that cannot be reused; standard recycling materials that usually go in your recycling; garden waste; bigger items like toys or small household items. Batteries, lightbulbs, small electronics etc can be recycled.
NOT ACCEPTED: Building materials, white goods (like fridges), hazardous materials and larger items will not be accepted.
No commercial waste can legally be accepted at any of the MHRC’s and any such material will be turned away. Vans are accepted at the MHRC’s subject to a 10 item limitation and a legal declaration that the waste presented is not commercial in nature. As with the Bulky Waste Collection service 2 black bags equals 1 item.