Food Bank Collection

Councillor Mary Locke is organising a collection for the B30 Food Bank on Saturday 12th August.

Volunteers will be collecting donations of food from Bournville Lane and Lea House, Mary Vale, Charlotte, Clonmel, Elm Tree and Ash Tree roads from 1pm. If you live on one of those streets but won’t be in / able to answer the door, it will be fine to leave things outside your door and the team will collect.

Please ensure nothing contains alcohol and that donations are not over-sized. As much as the Food Bank appreciated the donations, they will not open packets so cannot break items down into smaller sets. Please also ensure that you do not donate anything that requires specialist equipment or is fresh/needs using urgently.

There is a list of what items are urgent or in lower stock at the B30 Food Bank on this page. But for ease, this is what B30 Foodbank have said they need most:

  • Rice
  • pasta sauce
  • tinned or packet soup
  • baked means
  • tinned spaghetti
  • jam and honey
  • instant coffee (not large jars)
  • ready made custard
  • chocolate and snack bars
  • gender-neutral shower gel
  • liquid / bars of soap
  • shampoo

For more information on the B30 Food Bank, visit their website.