It is time to update Stirchley’s Ward Action Plan for 2022 – 2026.
Ward Plans are Birmingham City Council documents designed to be used by residents, councillors, and local stakeholders. They are created by the ward councillor/s in collaboration with residents and are meant to be a tool, to encourage engagement and action around local-level topics and issues that matter to local people.
The current Stirchley Ward Action Plan can be found here.
The new Ward Action Plan template is split into six themes which are important topics for all wards across the city. However, there may be aspects of those topics where there is more or less need in different wards. The process of setting priorities, goals and actions allows wards to focus in on the issues that matter most and find locally achievable solutions.
Wards do not need to identify a priority for each theme. The Council advises identifying between three and six priorities to work towards in each ward’s plans. These are flexible documents and so they can be revised as needed.
Birmingham City Council suggests the following themes;
- Prosperous
- Inclusive
- Safe
- Healthy
- Green
- Local
The Council has also given some examples of how these themes might be applied within areas. A readable version of the PDF can be found here.

Stirchley’s councillor Mary Locke is keen to hear from residents and community groups about what they would like to see in Stirchley’s Ward Action Plan. If you have any ideas that you would like to include, please bring them to the January Forum meeting on Monday 9th January 2023 or contact Councillor Locke directly.
The first iteration of Stirchley’s Ward Action Plan needs to be submitted by Councillor Locke to the Council by Monday 16th January 2023.