Help name the new station

Do you want to help decide what the new train station should be called?

Map of new station in Stirchley

West Midlands Rail Exec (WMRE) are calling on residents to take part in a survey to decide the names of two of the new stations, one in Moseley and the other in Stirchley.

From the 11 – 25th May, the public can choose their preferred name for the station by visiting the WMRE website. For the new station in the Stirchley Ward, the choice is between three options: the previous name of the station that closed in 1941, Hazelwell; Pineapple Road, where the station will be located; or Stirchley, the council borough where most of the station resides.

Visit the WMRE website here to vote.

Stirchley Ward meeting – 7th March

You are invited to the next Stirchley Ward meeting that is taking place as an in-person meeting on Monday 7th March, at 7pm, at Stirchley Baths Community Hub, 2-4 Bournville Lane, B30 2JT.

Please note this is not a Neighbourhood Forum meeting, rather one organised by the Stirchley Councillor, Mary Locke. The Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum meeting will take place as normal on Monday 14th March, this is a council-led meeting and a chance to hear from the councillor as well as updates from council officers.


  1. Welcome & Introductions from the Chair
  2. Update on New Train Station from Liam Brooker, West Midlands Rail Executive
  3. Great Birmingham Run Update from Garry Peal, Events Commissioning Manager 
  4. Commonwealth Games – Sarah Boundy, CWG Team will provide an overview of the Get Set for the Games programme, how partners will be working together, engaging local residents and businesses around the venues and road events routes
  5. Update on Dads Lane Community Centre from Steve Squires
  6. Update on the Fruit & Nut Village from Rob Tilling
  7. Local Issues/Updates

For more information, please contact Kay Thomas, Community Governance Manager, on email

Cartland Road closed for resurfacing

Please be aware, Cartland Road will be closed overnight from Thursday 10th February for five weeks. The road will be closed from 7pm until 5am, between Pershore and Vicarage roads.

This is to allow for resurfacing work, which are due to finish on 8th March 2022. Information on bus diversions can be found at Transport for West Midlands’ website.

Chair’s report 2020 – 2021

The last year has challenged all in every part of life. Some changes can be swiftly charted.  The challenges of isolation, work, poverty, skills, health, learning and active well-being remain.  The pandemic has however given them new shape and depth but we may now be clearer on what may work and what may have to change. 

Stirchley Neighbourhood Forum, thanks to the informed and faithful commitment of those who have sustained and supported our work, has continued to meet and to develop what we do alongside our Councillor Mary Locke, and Karen Cheney with her City Council colleagues at Stirchley Baths.  With them and many other local partners we have welcomed and worked with the newly planned development of the former Tesco site, other sites whose use may change and the wider High Street renewal initiatives.   Corners have been turned.  More will come and be met successfully.  We continue to work with police, library, health, transport and education providers to ensure that their work responds to Stirchley’s needs.  

Our core work is of course exactly as our name says.  Forum is first and last a gathering place of experience, wisdom, needs, opportunity and action.  Our Neighbourhood Forum is utterly committed to offering this for the benefit of Stirchley’s excitingly varied residents.  We are not confined to the High Street.  Our commitment is to the whole ward including the Pineapple (Dad’s Lane) estate, housing, industrial and business areas away from Pershore Road and to areas brought in since 2018 to the new Stirchley Ward.  We have already begun to develop new work in housing especially in relation to sheltered housing and multi-occupation sites, new and old.

The future demands that we continue all this.  We want, from now on, however to explore the ways in which we might be a means, on behalf of residents, to gather together Stirchley’s many different stakeholders.  Stirchley is never short of creativity and enterprise, whether in work, business, learning, healing, culture or social change.  We are however as a Neighbourhood much in need together of a means of effective communication and where appropriate for joint working and partnership. Within all else that the next twelve months offers must be sharp focus for the sake of all who live here and all who care for its future.

My very large thanks to all who have attended meetings and supported us and especially to our Committee for their faithful work and wise insight.  Paula Aubrey our Treasurer has not only been assiduous in keeping our books straight and in enabling the Stirchley Together funds to operate effectively but also in ensuring with Pastor Matt and his colleagues at Stirchley Community Church that we have a steady welcoming place to meet.  Julie has been indefatigable on Zoom, Margaret, Heidi and Stacey give wisdom and a wide range of contacts and of course Sandra Cooper, our vice-Chair, Planning Officer and Acting Secretary has worked with assiduity, commitment and deep insight to further the Forum’s work.

It has been a great personal joy to be their colleague in the service of Stirchley.  Please join us.

Rob Morris, Chair

To read the full annual report from 2020 – 2021, click here.

June – Planning, licensing, meetings and other things

Well, it’s June already. Not quite ‘sizzling June’ but give it time.


A planning application has come in for 1456 Pershore Road (opposite Stirchley School – used to be a newsagent) to turn from retail to hot food take away. Application no. 2020/01992/PA accessible on Planning Online.

The Forum policy is currently to oppose any such application, particularly as this is so near the school and the City Council has a policy of supporting healthy eating. Unfortunately the Planning Officer has given the impression that they will have no objection which seems a little strange. Please take a look and let us (and Planning) have your thoughts. Consultation ends 22nd June.


There has been a new application for an alcohol license for 1469 Pershore Road (near Stirchley School currently Stir Stores) which has planning permission for use as a cafe during standard retail trading hours. A recent planning application for late night opening was withdrawn in the face of objections from people living nearby. Maybe those of you who did such a good job in putting together objections to the Mary Vale Road licensing application would take a look and let us know your thoughts? Closing date for comments is 17th June.


Many of you will have noticed that building work has restarted on the site. We are told that, subject to any changes in government advice, the proposed opening date is 9th July. They have had over 1,000 applications for 80 jobs.

Meetings – virtual ward forum meeting

Karen Cheney has informed us that there will be a virtual Ward Forum meeting on 10th June (please note that this is the Council meeting not Neighbourhood Forum meeting). 

Items on the Agenda include;  

  • Birmingham Transport Plan
  • Update from Kier on Roads (taken over from Amey)
  • Covid-19 Response and Experience in Stirchley 
  • Bournville Lane – Lorries Update
  • Any Further Q&A

She says, ‘We are starting a trial of holding virtual ward forum meetings and Stirchley Ward is one of the wards within the pilot. The Stirchley virtual ward forum meeting will be held on June 10th 6.30pm- 8pm 

The virtual meetings  will be run on “Teams Live Events” and in order to join the Stirchley Ward Forum meeting you need to use the link below

Link for joining Virtual Stirchley Ward Forum Meeting

A few things to be aware of

  • Teams Live Events can be accessed by downloading the Teams app to your laptop, smartphone or tablet or you can join the meeting via a browser session
  • The public will be able to see and hear the Councillor and presenters but you will not actually be audible or visible.
  • You are able to write questions whilst viewing OR send any questions by e-mail to me prior to the date of the meeting.
  • This is new technology to us all and has been a steep learning curve so please be patient with us.
  • The meeting will be recorded.

Please feel free to pass on my e-mail to others in Stirchley who you think would like to attend and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Neighbourhood Forum Meeting

Monday 8th June should have been our June meeting.

We now have the facility to hold meetings using Google Meet. If you are interested in attending such a meeting please let us know and we will arrange a meeting and send you an invitation. This is very much in the nature of experiment but could be a bit of an adventure!

Likewise if anyone would like to take minutes it would be greatly appreciated!

I hope that you have found this of interest. Please contact us on if you wish to join a meeting on 8th or wish to contact us for any other reason.