Developments on the triangle

May be an image of 1 person and outdoors
Photo of building work taken by Michael Jones

After many years of being boarded up, those visiting the high street this week have noticed some rumblings on the triangle of land on island Hazelwell Road, between the the British Oak and Printgo and backs onto Stirchley Community Church.

The land is due to be turned into much needed public realm. It includes curves benches and interconnecting paths that will make it easier to cross from one side of the high street to the other. Where the paths cross there is a due to be concrete block paving in buff (a light brownish yellow, ochreous colour) and red colours. This is part of the Aldi development on Hazelwell Lane, which is progressing at some pace

Paving generally: Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid 45° herringbone pattern on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Charcoal.
Inner circle: 1300mm diameter Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid radially on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Buff.
Outer circle: 2500mm diameter Charcon Europa 200 x 100 x 60mm concrete block paving, laid radially on 50mm sharp sand base. Block colour: Red.
Seating units: 4 no. Marshalls ‘Rendezvous City’ curved bench units, with cast iron ends and stainless steel seat section. Units to be bolted to block paving.

Plans submitted to birmingham city council

Below are the a screenshot of the proposed site plan submitted to Birmingham City Council as part of Aldi’s planning application.

Update on former Constituency Office

Birmingham City Council has announced a new leaseholder for the former Constituency Office on Stirchley High Street.

Following months of discussions and negotiations, the lease has now been agreed between Grace Church and Birmingham City Council. Work will now focus around agreeing the formal lease, developing the plans for the site and securing funds for the works.

Having outgrown their current building on Dell Road, Grace Church aim to renovate the building, having also outlined their intentions to preserve the heritage and appearance because of its historical significance. Subject to planning permission and local consultation, they intend to undertake an extension to the rear of the building to allow greater flexibility and community use.

Further communications will be circulated by Birmingham City Council to advise when the works will commence.

Commonwealth Games marathon route in Stirchley

The Commonwealth Games Birmingham marathon takes place on Saturday 30th July and athletes will be visiting Stirchley as part of the race.

From what we can see from the website, the runners will come up Pershore Road, turning onto Ribblesdale Rd, on to Bond Street and up Bournville Lane to Linden Road. They will skirt around Stirchley on the way back, taking in Rabblebarn Rd, Warwards Lane and St Stephens Rd. However it is worth keeping an eye on the website as this route may change.

These roads will be closed to motor vehicles during that day. We understand that motorists who usually park on these roads will need to remove their cars from the roads on the route – however we are awaiting more information.

To quote the website;

“The course and associated road closures are planned through a partnership of Birmingham 2022, Birmingham City Council, Transport for West Midlands, Emergency Services, and other key agencies and organisations to design a course that delivers the requirements of the sport (it has been approved by World Athletics) and showcases the city.

“Local authorities that know the roads and the area well have provided detailed information to inform the planning process, and the course has gone through the formal Safety Advisory Group (SAG) process before receiving full approval from all partners and stakeholders.” 

To keep up to do on the marathon, visit the Commonwealth Games’ marathon website here.

June’s Forum meeting and update from Councillor

It is that time of the month again. Here is the notice for the June Forum meeting which will be in person in Stirchley Community Church and online via Zoom.

The meeting will take place on Monday 13th June at 7.30pm. You can attend in person at Stirchley Community Church, Hazelwell Street, Stirchley or online using Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting, click here.


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of meeting 9th May 2022 (minutes available here
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Commonwealth Games Marathon
    There will be a session at Stirchley Baths on 13th July where full updates will be given. Here is a link to the relevant page of the Commonwealth Games website for Marathon details.
  6. Police Update
  7. Planning issues
  8. Networking
  9. Any other business
    The next Stirchley Forum meeting will be on Monday 11th July 2022.

Councillor Mary Locke has sent her apologies for not being present at the meeting. She has requested if there are any questions, please email her, or the Forum (who will pass on the message). She has provided the following updates from previous meetings.

  • Enterprise still issues re parking I believe they have secured parking opposite near Balti Hut this will cause issues for flats above shops and businesses 
  • Wickes and parking this has been resolved 
  • Lyndworth cricket club:  it appears part of Seven Capital called Seven Homes are pursuing this. Earlier letters went to residents of Lyndworth road in regards to compulsory purchase.  It appears two are interested others not. The club have to find new play area in city that is bring pursue with Sport England.
  • Aldi site is progressing well 
  • Cooperative housing development also will be progressing soon also 
  • Jubilee Events: The events I attended here during Jubilee bank holiday were excellent Ascension church, Pitleasow close, stirchleycircle22 afternoon tea was excellent thank you to all who organised and the hard work involved 
  • Councillor advice surgeries will begin again on first Friday of month at Stirchley baths 10:30 -12 noon. Plus Third Saturday of month at Ascension Church on Pineapple Grove from 10:30-11:30
  • Mobile recycling centre 17th June Pineapple Road, opposite Ascension church Pineapple Grove 7am until 12 noon 
  • Mary’s councillor-led ward meeting is on 6th July at Stirchley baths 7pm  

Work to begin on new station

Public to choose names of new Birmingham railway stations - BBC News

From 4th June 2022 work will start to prepare for the new Hazelwell / Pineapple Road / Stirchley station.

West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) have advised the majority of the work will take place during standard working hours: Monday to Friday, 07.30am – 5.30pm. To ensure the safety of workers some work will need to take place on weekends and at night-time when the railway line is closed.

Out of hours work is due to take place:

  • 9pm on Saturday 4 June to 2pm on Sunday 5 June
  • 0.01am to 5.30am each morning from Tuesday 7 toFriday 10 June
  • 9pm on Saturday 11 June to 2pm on Sunday 12 June
  • 9pm on Saturday 18 June to 2pm on Sunday 19 June
  • 9pm on Saturday 25 June to 2pm on Sunday 26 June

Notice of works have been sent to residents in Pineapple, Cartland, Priory and Avebury Roads as well as Bloomsbury, Avebury and Spa Groves, as they may be impacted by the works. WMRE has said to expect noise from equipment, including chainsaws and strimmers. However, they will keep disruption to a minimum, minimising night-time working, noise and light pollution. Measures will be in place to monitor and reduce any noise. Task lighting will be directed away from neighbouring areas. T

The first stage of work will be carrying out surveys to inform the detailed design of the station. This will take approximately four weeks.

To access certain survey areas safely there may be a need to remove some vegetation. WMRE are working closely with an ecologist throughout the process and will only be removing vegetation if absolutely necessary.

To contact them, please call 0345 303 6760 or email